The Hate Crime Research Center (HCRC) is dedicated to conducting rigorous evaluations of programs that address hate crime. Our goal is to develop a knowledge base of programs that work to prevent and intervene in hate crime in communities, schools, and universities. The focus of our products is to develop a scientific basis for action for practitioners, educators, and policymakers.

Our Goal Is to Build the Science Base on Preventing Radicalization and Hate Crime.

The Institute of Community Studies (ICS, a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization) and Development Services Group, Inc. (DSG, its for-profit affiliate) are seeking to meet this need by developing the science base on what works to prevent and reduce bias-motivated incidents. Our mission is to help communities, law enforcement, and institutions respond to the rising tide of hate in the United States.

The goals of the HCRC are to

      1. Identify and evaluate programs for prevention and intervention of hate and hate crime.

      1. Provide accurate data on domestic and international terrorism and hate crime.

      1. Conduct rapid small-scale pilot-testing of innovative programs and interventions for larger-scale effectiveness testing.

    Our Work Is in Hate Crime Program Evaluation, Domestic Extremism Research, and Reporting on Global Terrorism Threats.

    NIJ recently awarded DSG a grant ($786,000) to conduct a 3-year evaluability assessment of the Bureau of Justice Assistance–funded Not in Our Town (NIOT) Hate and Bias Action Teams model for preventing and reducing hate crime.  NIOT uses film and other media as primary tools to educate, raise awareness, and spark dialog, with the goal of empowering the diverse groups within participating communities to increase meaningful engagement with one another. The model provides a structured approach for communities to attain this goal.

    DSG and the University of Massachusetts | Lowell, are completing an NIJ–funded, 3-year study on preventing and reducing right-wing domestic extremism. The database we expanded under this grant is the nation’s most comprehensive collection of open-source information on domestic hate crime.

    In 2018, DSG developed, and now maintains, the U.S. Department of State’s Global Terrorism Trends and Analysis Center (GTTAC), the nation’s largest open-source database on international and domestic terrorist incidents. DSG also assists the State Department in preparing its congressionally mandated annual report on international and domestic terrorism. 

    Additional Resources

    Perpetrators of Far-Right Extremist Violence in the United States

    The Counterterrorism Brief – Focus on Wagner Group

    Racial Dynamics in the Perpetration of Far-Right Violence in the United States

    Far-Right Extremist Tactics in the USA

    Anti-Asian Violence in the United States

    The Counterterrorism Brief – Focus on Nigeria

    Terrorism Research Brief: Focus on the Democratic Republic of the Congo

    GTTAC Research Brief – Profile: The Taliban